
Our ConnectWealth program combines digital inclusion with financial literacy, providing participants with both internet access and training in personal finance.

What We Do

ConnectWealth programs are tailored to each community, in partnership with local organizations (including banking organizations and internet providers).

American Express: Dollars and Sense Program

With funding from American Express, we provided internet access to high school students in Clarksdale, MS over three years. Students also received smartphones and financial literacy training, delivered by MoneyThink.

In total, we connected more than 500 families. 

Capital One: Ready Set Bank

In Los Angeles, we are partnering with the Annenberg Foundation, Capital One, Youth Policy Institute, and the LA Promise Zone to provide 100 seniors with:

  • A free tablet device

  • Two years of internet service

  • Capital One's Ready Set Bank program to seniors.

  • Digital literacy training

We are working with four local nonprofits to recruit participants. These nonprofits are also becoming Digital Equity Champions to help further demonstrating their commitment to ending the digital divide in their community.