EveryoneOn’s Statement of the Resignation of Mignon Clyburn from the Federal Communications Commission

“I am an eternal optimist that the people’s voices and opinions will reign supreme, and I’m looking forward to that day.”

Today, Mignon Clyburn, a tireless advocate for digital equity and inclusion, announced her resignation from the Federal Communications Commission. We have met and worked with Clyburn in a variety of public forums and she has been a consistent and thoughtful voice in the FCC’s work to end the digital divide in the United States.

“Commissioner Clyburn has been a critical partner to EveryoneOn in our work and, in the words of Dr. King, a drum major for digital justice.,” said Chike Aguh, EveryoneOn’s CEO. “We thank her for her service and know that she will not abandon the fight to make sure that internet and all its opportunities are available to all.”

Through her years of service on the Commission, we have seen dramatic, monumental strides for true digital equity, including the reform of net neutrality rules in 2015 and the passing of the Lifeline reform measures in 2016. In the years since, Clyburn has made it her mission to be a loud voice for communities and people that have been historically left behind. We are excited to see what her next step will be and know that her commitments to supporting others will remain steadfast and strong.