EveryoneOn Mini-Documentary Highlights Work to End the Digital Divide
At EveryoneOn, we create social and economic opportunity by connecting everyone to the Internet. This work is changing the lives of the more than 60 million people in the United States that live without an Internet connection at home. Today, we want to show you the impact of this work.
In partnership with Nationswell, we have created a powerful mini-documentary highlighting the life-changing opportunity that having the Internet at home provides.
The documentary showcases a family who has recently been connected to the Internet through the work of our Los Angeles area regional manager, Paulina Chavez, plus an interview with our CEO, Chike Augh.
Created in partnership with NationSwell Our message is simple: An Internet connection is no longer a luxury, yet many people in the United States are still without one. As an organization, we are working to change that and we invite you to help us end the digital divide once and for all.
Also, please review our annual report. This 2016 report highlights our extensive efforts from the last year and highlights a few goals for 2017.
Please share this video with your networks and tell us how the Internet has changed your life. Connect with us on Twitter at @Everyone_On or on Facebook.