Veteran Journalist & Admiral's ‘Great Conversation” Helps Raise Funds for EveryoneOn

On Sunday, February 19, EveryoneOn gathered with a legendary newsman Tom Brokaw and former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen to have a conversation about current affairs. Approximately 600 people attended the Sunday afternoon fundraising event, held at St. John’s College in Annapolis, Md. Proceeds benefitted the St. John’s scholarship fund and EveryoneOn. In addition, EveryoneOn staff were treated to a reception with both men.

While the two-hour event focused mostly on the current state of affairs of the United States, Adm. Mullen did express his concern about those living in the digital divide.

"60 million people aren't online, which is an appalling number,” Mullen said in response to a question about challenges in the United States.

To read more coverage from the event, visit St. John’s College website.